Friday, December 19, 2014

Design & Thinking

Design & Thinking

I think that design and thinking is like your fingerprint. It can be different for everyone but that does not make it wrong. You have to find your own way in the world and sometimes that means falling so you can learn what type of person you are by how you pick yourself up. “Prototyping, testing and failing all the time!  But doing it quickly and cheaply in order to succeed!” As human beings we are never going to be perfect! So how is it reasonable to assume that you will never fail? Watching this video reminds me of what Thomas Edison said about his incandescent light bulb design. “I have not failed. I’ve found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” For each design or idea that does not work, has the potential of sprouting one that will. If you did not take the time to explore options that fail, you may never find the one that succeeds. I think this video is a great one to keep on file and whenever I feel like I am losing my constitution to find the right answer I pull it up and watch it. The idea that failing should not be looked at as a failure, but just a bump in the road on the way to the destination is a great life lesson for anyone whether they are a designer, a doctor or astronaut.

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