Monday, October 6, 2014

Matthias Pliessnig

Matthias Pliessnig

Who is Matthias Pliessnig?




Products & Services:

-Boats                   -Pet Furniture

-Furniture           -Lamps integrated with glass



-Architects          -Private Collectors

-Schools               -Libraries


The furniture that Matthias designs is not just art or furniture. They are both.  They provide a visual stimulation while offering a place to sit or lay down.


-Steam                 -Wood (typically white oak)

-Clamps                                -Copper rivets/washers


Forming Technologies:

Steam is used to heat and soften the wood to allow the fibers to move and become flexible.

Cutting Technologies:

For precise cuts of shapes and ease of repetition a laser cutter is used.  To simply trim wood pieces to length, a standard saw is used.

Joining Technologies:

Hundreds of clamps can be used in order to hold the wood in the desired position until the glue and wood dry.  For designs that are longer than the wood supplies, scarf joints are used to join one piece to another. Sometimes to get a different look on the project, rivets provide a solid connection while leaving a different type of aesthetic. 

Finishing Technologies:

When the wood is clamped together “squeeze out” or glue that is pressed out from between the pieces has to be chiseled off after the form dries.  After cleaning all of the “squeeze out” off, everything is sanded down and lacquered to get the desired color and shine.

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